One of the most popular plans in Cumberland Harbour is the charming Port Arthur Cottage. The home is 1,833 square feet, 3 bed, 2 bath with a spacious front and back porch. This home lives larger than its size and is filled with light and custom details such as hewn wood shelving, old Savannah brick, a metal roof and built in closets and desk features. Call us today about having this home plan built for you!
Video Walk Through of the Port Arthur Cottage
Enjoy porch living year round in Cumberland Harbour.
• Your Invitation to Cumberland Harbour •
Cumberland Discovery Tour
Are you ready to start exploring your new costal lifestyle?
Experience two nights and three days in Cumberland Harbour and historic St. Marys. Enjoy a stay at a bed and breakfast in the heart of downtown, walk to shops and restaurants and soak in the beautiful St. Marys River views. Tour the community, visit the plentiful amenities and explore custom homes. Take a trip to Cumberland Island or dine at our downtown waterfront restaurant. Call for details and to schedule your Discovery Tour today!
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